Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Kerala is the place in the world where Ayurveda, the ancient form of science and holistic system of medicine based on nature is practised of perfection. Ayurveda, the system of treatment believed to the older than 5000 years is based on the philosophy, prevention is better than cure however it offers a lasting cure to patients. Suffering form various diseases, but the system teaching as how to achieve. Perfect health' for diseased or abnormal conditions and how to bead our life both physical and mental to attain the bliss of life. Discover the power of Ayurveda, in Kerala the only place on earth where it is practised with absolute authenticity and dedications. 'Ayurveda' , the English for which is knowledge of life has flourished here since vetsy ancient times. The state's eatable climate, natural abundance of forests with a wealth of herbs and medical plants, and the cool monsoon reason (June - November) are best suited for Ayurveda's curative and reparative programmes . In fact, ancient texts recommend the monsoon to be the best season for Ayurvedic's regimens’. This is the time when the atmosphere remains dust- free and cool, opening the roses of the body to maximum. Making it most receptive to afrab oils and therapy. Kerala offer two kinds of Ayurvedic heath holiday options. Rejuvanative and therapectic. This package and based on the time, tested, ancient Indian system of medicine 'Ayurveda'.

Kerala offers two kinds of Ayurvedic health holiday option Rejuvenative Therapeutic. These packages are based on the time tested, ancient Indian system of medicine: Ayurveda.

Rejuvenation Programmes: Rejuvenation therapy (Rasayana Chikilsa) Overall fitness (Panchakarma). Body immunisation and longevity treatment (Kayakalpa Chikilsa). Body sudation (Sweda Karma). Meditation and Yoga. Beauty care. Body slimming

Therapeutic Programmes:  Treatment for chronic headaches, insomnia, mental tension (Dhara). Treatment to alleviate osteoarthritis Sporaris, leukaemia etc. (Snehapanam). Treatment for spondilosis,  rheumatic diseases (Pizhichil). Tretment for diseases like hemiplegic,  paralysis, obesity and certain rheumatic ailments (Udvarthanam). Treatment for muscular-skeletal (Marma Chikilsa). Treatment for nasal ailments (Nasyam). Treatment for ear ailments (Karpanapooranam). Preventing cataract and strengthening vision (Tharpanam). Treatment for wasting of muscles, rheumatism, sports injuries, pain in the joints, emaciation, certain skin diseases (Nijavarkizhi). Treatment for ailments of the head, nose mouth, throat, face etc. And the seven most common therapies 

Abhyanga: Total body massage with herbal oils that tones up the skin and rejuvenates and strengthens all the tissues so as to achieve ideal health and longevity. This is also a cure for rheumatism.


Elakzihi (Patrawedam): The entire body massaged with herbal poultices prepared with various herbs and medicated power dipped in warm medicated oils. Promotes circulation and increases perspiration which in turn revitalizes the skin.

Njavarakizhi: The entire body is made to perspire by the external application of medicated rice packs in the form of boluses tied in Muslim bags. Revitalises the skin and is a therapy for ailments like rheumatism, pain in the joints, wasting of muscles etc.

Pizhichil: Lukewarm herbal oil applied with fresh linen all over the body in a rhythmic manner for particular period. Therapy for spondilosis, arthritis, hemiplegic and nervous disorders 

Udwardhanam: Therapeutic massage with herbal powders. Therapy for obesity and rheumatic ailments.

Dhara: Herbal oils, medicated milk or butter milk and decoctions poured gently on the forehead/whole body in a continuous stream. Therapy fortress, mental tension, insomnia, headaches etc.

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