Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Sri Ananthapadmanabhaswamy Temple: 
          This ancient tempte is the most dominating feature of Thiruvananthapuram. Overlooking the Padma Theertham Tank, the temple is devoted to Lord Vishnu who is depicted reclining on Sri Anantha, the hooded snake from which the city derives its name. Exquisite stone carvings and pavilions are worth admiring. The temple is open only to Hindus and dress regulation is strictly enforced.  

built during the 14th century it was called Darpakulangara, but later in the 18th century it was renovated and renamed as the Padmanabhapuram Palace. A place of elaborate woodwork, it was the ancient seat of the Travancore rulers Anizham Thirunal Marthanda Varma till the capital was shifted to Thiruvananthapuram in 1780

 This place is the home of the late Maharaja Sree Chitra Thirunal Bala Rama Varma and his family. The view of the grand old building from the gate is excellent, but unfortoately it is off limits to the public. If you are lucky, you could probably walk a few steps inside to get a better view provided the gate keeper is friendly enough. 

 Located 36 km from Thiruvananthapuram, the historic remains of the fort built by the British East India Company in the 17th century and an adjoining cemetery are the noteworthy relics of this first major British trading station on the Malabar Coast.  

Classified as a double storeyed 'nalukettu', Koyikkal Palace was the official residence of the rulers of the erstwhile State of Travancore. 
Kuthiramalika Palace Museum: A classic specimen of Kerala Architecture is situated in 'Kuthiramalika'. The palace, with its excellent carvings and amazing architectural designs, is by itself a slice of heritage


the seemingly placid sheet of water that backed away from the visibility reverberant sea offers a general idea of the famous backwaters of Kerala.

Location: Just 16 km from Thiruvananthapuram city, south Kerala. Best time to visit : September to March, though it is an all year destination. Kovalam is an internationally renowned beach with three adjacent crescent beaches. It has been a favourite haunt of tourists, especially Europeans, since the 1930s. A massive rocky promontory on the beach has created a beautiful bay of calm waters ideal for sea bathing.    The leisure options at this beach are plenty and diverse-sun bathing, swimming, herbal body tango massages, special cultural programmes, Catamaram cruising etc. The tropical sun acts so fast that one can see the faint blush of coppery tan on the skin in a matter of minutes. Life on the beach begins late in the day and carries on well into the night. The beach complex includes a string of budget cottages, Ayurvedic health reports, convention facilities, shopping zones, swimming pools, Yoga and Ayurvedic massage centres etc.    Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of kerala, is just 16 km away from Kovalam and getting there is no hassle. But if you are on holiday it is better to stay in Kovalam and visit the city. Thiruvananthapuram has interesting places to see like the Napier Museum, the Sri Chitra Art Gallery, the Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Ponmudi hill station etc. SMSM Institute, a State owned handicrafts emporium, is the ideal place to pick up ethnic curios and other articles. To know more about the crafts on sale here see Treasure Chest from the Archives dated 14 January 99 to 15 July 99.  

Sankhumugham Beach:
 Located 8 km from Thiruvananthapuram city, the Shankhumugham Beach is a favourite haunt of sunset watchers.

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